Part Number | Category | Family | Status | Description |
FCA-210-GY7 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCA-210-GY7 | |
FRCIR06F-32A-40S-F80-T12-15 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 40C 40#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06F-32A-40S-F80-T12-15 IC 40540 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (
FRCIR06F-32A-40S-F80-T12-15 NEW 77990 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited.
| ||||
F39-HB1905 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | F39-HB1905 | |
F39-HB1905 Omron Automation and Safety 87930 2015+ F39-HB1905 Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd.
| ||||
F39-HB1985 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | F39-HB1985 | |
F39-HB1985 Omron Automation and Safety 87910 2015+ F39-HB1985 Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd.
| ||||
F39-HB2065 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | F39-HB2065 | |
F39-HB2065 Omron Automation and Safety 87890 2015+ F39-HB2065 Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd.
| ||||
F39-HJ1020 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | F39-HJ1020 | |
F39-HJ1020 Omron Automation and Safety 87870 2015+ F39-HJ1020 Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd.
| ||||
FCM019PC2DC012B | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCM019PC2DC012B = CIRCULAR | |
FCAV-410-DY9 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCAV-410-DY9=4PDT 10A MID-RANGE | |
FCA-410-DY9 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCA-410-DY9 | |
FRCIR06LF32-31SF80T108VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FRCIR 31C 31#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06LF32-31SWF80T108VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FRCIR 31C 31#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06LF32-31SXF80T108VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FRCIR 31C 31#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06LF32-31SYF80T108VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FRCIR 31C 31#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06LF32-31SZF80T108VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FRCIR 31C 31#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR01AF-28-15P-F80-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 35C 35#16 FR PIN RECP | |
FCA-325-BY5 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCA-325-BY5 | |
FRCIR06F-40A-35S-F80-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 35C 35#12 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06F-40A-38SWT89-VO-OTM | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 38C 38#12 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06F-40A-38SWT89-VO-OTM IC 40460 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (
FRCIR06F-40A-38SWT89-VO-OTM NEW 77490 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited.
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FCAV-325-BX3 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCAV-325-BX3=3PDT 25A MID-RANGE | |
FCAV-325-BY3 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCAV-325-BY3=3PDT 25A MID-RANGE | |
FCA-325-CW3 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | FCA-325-CW3 | |
FRCIR08R-22-23S-F80-T89 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 8C 8#12 SKT PLUG RTANG | |
FRCIR01AF-32A-55P-F80-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 55C 55#16 PIN RECP | |
FRCIR01AF-32A-55P-F80-VO IC 40390 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (
FRCIR01AF-32A-55P-F80-VO NEW 77830 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited.
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FRCIR06F-28-12S-F80-T108-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 26C 26#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06A-40A-60PX-F80-T89-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 60C 60#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06A-40A-60S-F80-T89-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 60C 60#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06A-40A-60SW-F80-T89-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 60C 60#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06F-28-15S-F80-T89-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 35C 35#16 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06F-28-15S-F80-T89-VO IC 40920 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (
FRCIR06F-28-15S-F80-T89-VO NEW 78010 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited.
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FRCIR06F-28A-14S-F80-T104 | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 14C 14#12 FR SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06BRT-40A-60SF80T89-VO | Uncategorized | Miscellaneous | CIR 60C 60#16 SKT PLUG | |
FRCIR06BRT-40A-60SF80T89-VO IC 40760 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (
FRCIR06BRT-40A-60SF80T89-VO NEW 77890 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited.