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X5169S8I-2.7 distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
X5169S8I-2.7 Rohs.And.New 8923 N/A 2016 Email.To.Us European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 10000 INTERSIL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
X5169S8I-2.7 2500 Intersil Hands E-Component Co.,...
X5169S8I-2.7 2500 Intersil
X5169S8I-2.7 2500 Intersil Hands E-Component Co.,...
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 10000 INTERSIL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 9093 Intersil 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 2000 INTERSIL 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 87450 Intersil 1525+ Global & Immediately RONXIM ELECTRONICS LIMITED
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 9995 Intersil 11+ STOCK Eurotronik Components GmbH
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 6735 Intersil 12+ in stock,RoHS,original General Electronics Inc.
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 66533 Intersil 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 10000 INTERSIL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 41975 Intersil 1531+ new in stock Alphatek Technology Limited
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 9093 Intersil 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 2000 INTERSIL 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
X5169S8I-2.7 CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM 10000 INTERSIL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 87450 Intersil 1525+ Global & Immediately RONXIM ELECTRONICS LIMITED
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 87450 Intersil 1525+ Global & Immediately RONXIM ELECTRONICS LIMITED
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 9995 Intersil 11+ STOCK Eurotronik Components GmbH
X5169S8I-2.7 8-SOIC 6735 Intersil 12+ in stock,RoHS,original General Electronics Inc.
X5169S8I-2.7 IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC 66533 Intersil 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.

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LT1790AIS6-1.25#TRPBF 77200 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
LT1790AIS6-1.25#TRPBF LINEAR 10082 14-15+ 6SOT23 Nego IC Co.
LT1790AIS6-1.25#TRPBF LINEAR 10082 14-15+ 6SOT23 Nego IC Co.Doris@negoic.com
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REF3240AMDBVREP RoHS 215810 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
REF3240AMDBVREP Texas Instruments 5000 2016+ IC VREF SERIES PREC 4.1V SOT23-6 Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
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TL4050A50QDCKRG4 Distributor 172550 newest for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components Limited
TL4050A50QDCKRG4 IC 38261 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Limited. (Belwen@semi-lex.com)
TL4050A50QDCKRG4 TI 13000 14-15+ SC70-5 Nego IC Co.
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LM4040BIM3-5.0/NOPB NS 183410 17+ for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components sales@microtranik.com
LM4040BIM3-5.0/NOPB NS 97490 15-16+ new and original package well Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
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X5169S8I N/A 12500 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
X5169S8I N/A 8923 2016 Rohs.And.New European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
X5169S8I-2.7A Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Obsolete item IC SUPERVISOR CPU 16K EE 8-SOIC
X5169S8I-2.7A INTERSIL 10000 2013+ CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
X5169S8I-2.7A INTERSIL 10000 2013+ CPU Supervisor with 16Kbit SPI EEPROM World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
X5169S8I-2.7A N/A 12500 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
X5169S8I-2.7A N/A 8923 2016 Rohs.And.New European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com