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STM8AL3166TCY distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
STM8AL3166TCY IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32LQFP 88410 STMicroelectronics 2015+ Global & Immediately RENXIM Electronics Co.,Ltd.
STM8AL3166TCY IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32LQFP 32455 STMicroelectronics 1516+ new in stock AlphaTek Electronics Co.,Ltd.
STM8AL3166TCY IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32LQFP 40224 STMicroelectronics 17+/18+ Shipping Now FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
STM8AL3166TCY NEW RoHS and More QTY 59030 IC 17+ STK,Prompt delivery SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
STM8AL3166TCY IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32LQFP 57879 STMicroelectronics 1415+ HOT SALE !!! Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com

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82496-5012 Industrial Controls, Meters Controllers - Machine Safety Machine Safety Controller Safety Mat 100 ~ 240VAC, 24VDC Supply Chassis Mount
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2701467 Distributor 129670 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
2701467 IC 40500 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
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IDT2308A-1HDC IDT 76500 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
IDT2308A-1HDC IDT 76500 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
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EP2AGX125EF35I5N Altera 8000 16+ 16+ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
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EP2AGX125EF35I5N ALTERA 25000 2016 Originalnew FEDERAL INDUSTRY InsTess@sunnlyic.com
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EPM2210GF324C5N ALTERA 10088 14-15+ BGA Nego IC Co.Doris@negoic.com
EPM2210GF324C5N ALTERA 81246 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
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EPM2210GF324C5N ROHSPb 298500 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
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R5F101GGDNA#U0 IC 40960 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
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R5F101GGDNA#U0 Renesas 41535 1516+ IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH AlphaTek Electronics Co.,Ltd.
R5F101GGDNA#U0 Renesas 56959 1415+ IC MCU 16BIT 128KB FLASH Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
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69916-014LF FCI 8000 2012+ 2012+ SIMEN Electronics Co.,Ltd
69916-014LF FCI 8000 2015+ 2015+ enkaite Electronics Co., Ltd
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TSW-132-26-G-D Connectors, Interconnects Rectangular Connectors - Headers, Male Pins 64 Positions Header, Unshrouded Connector 0.100" (2.54mm) Through Hole Gold
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TSW-132-26-G-D NEW 97950 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
TSW-132-26-G-D Samtec Inc (VA) 8000 2015+ 2015+ enkaite Electronics Co., Ltd
TSW-132-26-G-D Samtec Inc (VA) 8000 2012+ CONN HEADER 64POS .100 DL GOLD Global Thunder Electronics Co.,Ltd
95278-102B40 Connectors, Interconnects Rectangular Connectors - Headers, Male Pins 40 Positions Header, Unshrouded Connector 0.100" (2.54mm) Surface Mount Gold, GXT?
95278-102B40 Amphenol FCI 157210 2016+ BERGSTIK Unitronix Electronics Limited
95278-102B40 FCI 8000 2012+ BERGSTIK EKT Electronics Co., Ltd
95278-102B40 FCI 8000 2012+ BERGSTIK SIMEN Electronics Co.,Ltd
95278-102B40 RoHSCompli 58920 12+ OriginalNew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
0010897522 Connectors, Interconnects Rectangular Connectors - Headers, Male Pins 52 Positions Header, Unshrouded, Breakaway Connector 0.100" (2.54mm) Through Hole Gold
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