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Part Number Category Family Status Description
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501KCF-ACAF IC 57970 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
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501KCF-ACAF Silicon Labs 57709 2015+ OSC PROG 2.5V 1.3NS 20PPM Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
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SIT3808AI-C-28SZ Crystals and Oscillators Programmable Oscillators 1MHz ~ 80MHz LVCMOS, LVTTL MEMS VCXO Programmable Oscillator Surface Mount 2.8V 33mA Standby
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ATS-15H-28-C3-R0 Fans, Thermal Management Thermal - Heat Sinks HEATSINK 70X70X15MM XCUT T412
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ATS-20H-65-C1-R0 Fans, Thermal Management Thermal - Heat Sinks HEATSINK 40X40X30MM L-TAB
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