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Keyword: PIC24FJ48GA002-I/ML THS4140CDGKRG4 DAC7664YCTG4 40PC250G2A TLC5615CDG4
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502LCB-ABAG Silicon Labs 57019 2015+ OSC PROG 1.3NS 20PPM 3.2X5MM Unitronix Electronics Limited
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JANTX1N3017B-1 IC 40620 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
JANTX1N3017B-1 N/A 33600 2016 Rohs And New European Union IC Industry Co.
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SBM540-13-F Originalne 498101 12+ ROHS IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
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