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RL0805FR-7W0R24L distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
RL0805FR-7W0R24L 8750 YAGEO 2011+ in stock palmary PALMARY ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
RL0805FR-7W0R24L N/A 250000 YAGEO N/A N/A Hongkong Inductors Limited
RL0805FR-7W0R24L 5000PCS/REEL 250000 YAGEO N/A N/A Hongkong Inductors Limited

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Part Number Category Family Status Description
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SM4124FT9R09 Stackpole 19570 12+ RES 9.09 OHM 2W 1 WW 4124 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
SM4124FT9R09 Stackpole Electronics Inc 588000 1536+ RES SMD 9.09 OHM 1 2W 4124 Alphatek Technology Limited
SM4124FT9R09 Stackpole Electronics Inc 588000 1536+ RES SMD 9.09 OHM 1 2W 4124 AlphaTek Electronics Co.,Ltd.
SM4124FT9R09 Stackpole Electronics Inc 693200 17+/18+ RES SMD 9.09 OHM 1 2W 4124 FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
PE2512FKM070R022L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 0.022 OHM 1% 1W 2512
AT0402DRD0748K7L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 48.7KOHM 0.5% 1/16W 0402
RC2010FK-0712K7L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 12.7K OHM 1% 3/4W 2010
RC2010FK-0712K7L 465987 13+ Fengyangxin Technology ( HK ) Co.,Ltd
RC2010FK-0712K7L 465987 13+ fenkey electronics co.,ltd
RC2010FK-0712K7L 465987 13+ fenyang electronics co.,ltd
RC2010FK-0712K7L 465987 13+ pulkey electronics ( HK ) co.,ltd
CRCW121056K0FKEA Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 56K OHM 1% 1/2W 1210
CRCW121056K0FKEA originalne 48050 12+ ROHS IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
CRCW121056K0FKEA Vishay 8 18+ RESSMD56KOHM11/2W1210 World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
CRCW121056K0FKEA Distributor 162550 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
CRCW121056K0FKEA Vishay 8 18+ RESSMD56KOHM13/4W1210 World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
RT0603CRC0752K3L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 52.3K OHM 1/10W 0603
AF1210FR-07113KL Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 113K OHM 1% 1/2W 1210
RNCF0805BTC43K2 Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 43.2K OHM 0.1% 1/8W 0805
RNCF0805BTC43K2 Stackpole 3155 12+ RES 1/10W 43.2K OHM 0.1 0805 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
RNCF0805BTC43K2 Stackpole Electronics Inc 588300 1536+ RES SMD 43.2K OHM 0.1 1/10W Alphatek Technology Limited
RNCF0805BTC43K2 Stackpole Electronics Inc 693500 17+/18+ RES SMD 43.2K OHM 0.1 1/10W FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
RNCF0805BTC43K2 Stackpole Electronics Inc 693500 NEW RoHS RES SMD 43.2K OHM 0.1 1/10W FindCores Electronics Inc.
ESR25JZPJ820 Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 82 OHM 5% 1/2W 1210
ESR25JZPJ820 Distributor 131170 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
ESR25JZPJ820 Good price 87490 15-16+ new and original package well Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
ESR25JZPJ820 IC 36610 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Direct (info@semi-lex.com)
ESR25JZPJ820 Rohm Semiconductor 1325600 2015+ RES SMD 82 OHM 5 1/2W 1210 Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
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AR0805FR-073K16L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 3.16K OHM 1% 1/8W 0805
AR0805FR-073K16L YAGEO 250000 N/A 5000PCS/REEL Hongkong Inductors Limited
AR0805FR-073K16L YAGEO 250000 N/A N/A Hongkong Inductors Limited
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AR0805FR-07113RL YAGEO 250000 N/A N/A Hongkong Inductors Limited
MCR03EZPJ300 Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 30 OHM 5% 1/10W 0603
MCR03EZPJ300 IC 40990 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
MCR03EZPJ300 ROHM 37532 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Direct (info@semi-lex.com)
MCR03EZPJ300 ROHM 25731 2014+ Pb-Free Unitronix Electronics Inc. sales@unitronix-e.com
MCR03EZPJ300 Rohm Semiconductor 1302400 2015+ RES SMD 30 OHM 5 1/10W 0603 Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
RT0603FRE0791KL Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 91K OHM 1% 1/10W 0603
RT0603FRE0791KL Good price 78930 15-16+ new and original package well Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
RT0603FRE0791KL In.Stock 98850 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
RT0603FRE0791KL In.Stock 98850 2016 Rohs.And.New European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
RT0603FRE0791KL Original n 205050 12+ ROHS IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
RC1210FR-074K3L Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 4.3K OHM 1% 1/2W 1210
RC1210FR-074K3L 465987 13+ pulkey electronics ( HK ) co.,ltd
RC1210FR-074K3L 465987 13+ Starkey Technology (H.K) Co.,Ltd
RC1210FR-074K3L IC 40760 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
RC1210FR-074K3L NEW 78270 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
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RLP73N2BR056JTD Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 0.056 OHM 5% 1/2W 1206
RLP73N2BR056JTD Distributor 150790 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
RLP73N2BR056JTD IC 58820 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
RLP73N2BR056JTD TE Connectivity AMP Connectors 1352500 2015+ RES SMD 0.056 OHM 5 1/2W 1206 Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
RLP73N2BR056JTD TE Connectivity AMP Connectors 695200 2015+ RES SMD 0.056 OHM 5 1/2W 1206 Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
RC1005J300CS Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 30 OHM 5% 1/16W 0402
RC1005J300CS 465987 13+ fenkey electronics co.,ltd
RC1005J300CS IC 38912 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Direct (info@semi-lex.com)
RGC0402FTD8K25 Resistors Chip Resistor - Surface Mount RES SMD 8.25K OHM 1% 1/16W 0402
RGC0402FTD8K25 IC 40850 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
RGC0402FTD8K25 NEW 87570 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
RGC0402FTD8K25 Stackpole Electronics Inc 1459300 2015+ RES SMD 8.25K OHM 1 1/16W 0402 Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
RGC0402FTD8K25 Stackpole Electronics Inc 909300 NEW RoHS RES SMD 8.25K OHM 1 1/16W 0402 FindCores Electronics Inc.
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RL0805FR-7W0R36L 854679 13+ Starkey Technology (H.K) Co.,Ltd
RL0805FR-7W0R36L IC 41000 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
RL0805FR-7W0R36L NEW 97910 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com