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P2I2305NZG-08SR distributors
RFQ | Part Number | Description | Q'ty | Mfg | Date Code | Location | Supplier |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | IC CLK BUFF 1:5 133.33MHZ 8-SOIC | 68401 | ON | 2014+ | can respond quickly | ANRIC Int£§l Electronics Limited | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | 8-SOIC (0.154 3.90mm Width) | 8000 | ON Semiconductor | 16+ | IC CLOCK BUFFER 1:5 3.3V 8-SOI | Futune Electronics Co.Limitd | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | 8-SOIC (0.154 3.90mm Width) | 8000 | ON Semiconductor | 16+ | IC CLOCK BUFFER 1:5 3.3V 8-SOI | EKT Electronics Co., Ltd | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | IC CLK BUFF 1:5 133.33MHZ 8-SOIC | 57269 | ON | 15+ | HOT SALE !!! | Unitronix Electronik GmbH | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | Original&New&Rhos | 88000 | ON | 2016 | In.USA.Stock | Hong Da Electronics | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | n/a | 1000 | ON | 16+ | new | Fantastic Technologies | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | electronics components | 10000 | S/N | 2013+ | World Link Parts components | ||
P2I2305NZG-08SR | SOIC-8 | 850000 | ONSemicond | 2016 | Instock | FEDERAL INDUSTRY | |
P2I2305NZG-08SR | Originalnew | 20000 | ONSemicond | 2014+ | Instock | IC Agent Electronics |