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MIC6315-44D4U TR

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Do you need MIC6315-44D4U TR ? The worldwide distributor of electronic components who has MIC6315-44D4U TR in IC235.COM. You can send an inquiry to all electronic components distributor, and get LT1789IS8-1 # TR price. If you have MIC6315-44D4U TR in stock, you can click register to be a vendor in IC235.COM, sold MIC6315-44D4U TR to customers around the world. If you need electronic components datasheet, you can click MIC6315-44D4U TR datasheet.

MIC6315-44D4U TR distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
MIC6315-44D4U TR SOT-143 17940 Micrel 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
MIC6315-44D4U TR SOT-143 17940 Micrel 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
MIC6315-44D4U TR IC RESET GEN 4.38V VTH SOT143-4 66533 Micrel 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
MIC6315-44D4U TR IC RESET GEN 4.38V VTH SOT143-4 39744 Micrel 17+/18+ Shipping Now FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
MIC6315-44D4U TR IC RESET GEN 4.38V VTH SOT143-4 41975 Micrel 1531+ new in stock Alphatek Technology Limited
MIC6315-44D4U TR 12+ 7908 Micrel 12+ RFQ,IN STOCK, ROHS Compliant Evergreen Electronics Co.,Ltd
MIC6315-44D4U TR NEW RoHS and More QTY 59020 IC 17+ STK,Prompt delivery SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)

Related Part Number

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UC385TDKTTT-3 Semiconductor 49621 14+ RoHS Compliant £Á£Î£Ò£É£Ã Int£§l Electronics Limited
UC385TDKTTT-3 Texas Instruments(TI) 30,000 2102+ IC LIN REG 2.5V 5A DDPAK5 Lei Li IC Components
NCV571MN12TBG Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - Linear (LDO) Active IC REG LDO 1.2V 0.15A 6DFN
NCV571MN12TBG NEW 77350 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
NCV571MN12TBG ON 57639 15+ IC REG LDO 1.2V .15A 6DFN Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
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MAX15006CATT+T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - Linear (LDO) Active IC REG LDO ADJ 50MA 6TDFN
MAX15006CATT+T MAXIM 57459 15+ IC REG LDO ADJ 50MA 6-TDFN-EP Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
MAX15006CATT+T MAXIM 36430 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Limited. (Belwen@semi-lex.com)
MAX15006CATT+T MAXIM 96500 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
MAX15006CATT+T MAXIM 39786 14+ RoHS Compliant FindCores Electronics Global Distributor
TPS62001DGSR Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching Regulators Obsolete item IC REG BUCK SYNC 0.9V 10-MSOP
TPS62001DGSR Maxim Integrated Products 5000 2016+ 2016+ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
TPS62001DGSR NEW 78870 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
TPS62001DGSR TI 125000 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
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LTC1772IS6#TRM 77200 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
LTC1772IS6#TRM LinearTech 1000 16+ TSOT-23-6 Fantastic Technologies limited.info@fantastic-ele.com
LTC1772IS6#TRM LinearTech 1000 16+ TSOT-23-6 Fantastic Technologies limited.info@fantastic-ele.com
LTC1772IS6#TRM N/A 68700 2016 RohsAndNew European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
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TL2575HV-15IKV Maxim Integrated Products 30,000 2016+ IC BUCK 15V 1A TO220-5 Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
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REF3140AIDBZTG4 38425 14+ RoHS Compliant FindCores Electronics Inc.
REF3140AIDBZTG4 Texas Instruments(TI) 30,000 2102+ IC SER VOLT-REF 4.096V SOT-23-3 Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
REF3140AIDBZTG4 TI 19879 2013+ SOT23-3 FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
LM4040BIM3X-2.5/NOPB Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Reference Active IC VREF SHUNT PREC 2.5V SOT23-3
LM4040BIM3X-2.5/NOPB NS 183090 17+ for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components sales@microtranik.com
LM4040BIM3X-2.5/NOPB NS 38552 2016+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Direct (info@semi-lex.com)
LM4040BIM3X-2.5/NOPB Texas Instruments 30,000 2102+ 2102+ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
LM4040BIM3X-2.5/NOPB Texas Instruments 30,000 2102+ Voltage & Current References Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
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MAX6467XS34D7+T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Active IC MPU/RESET CIRC 3.40V SC70-4
MAX6855UK43D6+T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Active IC MPU SUPERVISOR SOT23-5
MAX6855UK43D6+T MAXIM 40144 NEW RoHS IC MPU SUPERVISOR SOT23-5 FindCores Electronics Inc.
MAX6855UK43D6+T MAXIM 42375 1531+ IC MPU SUPERVISOR SOT23-5 Alphatek Technology Limited
MAX6855UK43D6+T Maxim Integrated Products 30,000 2014+ Supervisory Circuits Single nPower Supervisor enkaite Electronics Co., Ltd
MAX6855UK43D6+T Maxim Integrated Products 30,000 2102+ Supervisory Circuits Single nPower Supervisor SIMEN Electronics Co.,Ltd
BD4832FVE-TR Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Active IC DETECTOR VOLT 3.2V ODRN 5VSOF
BD4832FVE-TR 39484 14+ RoHS Compliant FindCores Electronics Global Distributor
BD4832FVE-TR IC 37852 16+ NEW RoHS and More QTY Semilex Electronics Direct (info@semi-lex.com)
BD4832FVE-TR NEW 88790 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
BD4832FVE-TR STOCK 46310 2016+ standard package with RoHS MAINtron Electronics Limited.
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XC61HN1812MR-G 678465 13+ Fengyangxin Technology ( HK ) Co.,Ltd
XC61HN1812MR-G 678465 13+ fenkey electronics co.,ltd
XC61HN1812MR-G Torex Semiconductor Ltd 68953 2013+ IC SUPERVISOR 1.8V SOT23-3 Ameyic Electronics Limited
MAX704CPA+ Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Active IC MPU SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT 8-DIP
MAX704CPA+ MAXIM 30,000 2102+ 2102+ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
MAX704CPA+ ROHSPb 48405 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
LTC4412ES6#TRPBF Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - OR Controllers, Ideal Diodes Active IC OR CTRLR SRC SELECT TSOT23-6
LTC4412ES6#TRPBF LT ? 5000 12+ TONGGUANG (H.K.) ELECT...
LTC4412ES6#TRPBF LT ? 5000 12+ TONGGUANG (H.K.) ELECT...
LTC4412ES6#TRPBF LT ? 5000 12+ TONGGUANG (H.K.) ELECT...
LTC4412ES6#TRPBF LT ? 5000 12+ TONGGUANG (H.K.) ELECT...
IR3313STRLPBF Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - MOSFET, Bridge Drivers - Internal Switch Value add packaging not available; alternate packaging exists. IC SW PROGR CURR SENS D2PAK
IR3313STRLPBF 789546 13+ Feng Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
IR3313STRLPBF International Rectifier 30,000 2102+ Power Driver ICs PRGM CURRENT SENSE HI SIDE SWITCH Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
IR3313STRLPBF International Rectifier 30,000 2102+ Power Driver ICs PRGM CURRENT SENSE HI SIDE SWITCH Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
MIC2547-1YM Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - MOSFET, Bridge Drivers - Internal Switch Active IC SW CURR LIMIT DUAL 16-SOP
MIC2547-1YM MicrelInc 23500 2014 16-SOIC Yuelaideng International Ltd(yuelaideng@163.com)
MIC2547-1YM MICRELINC 3946 16-SOIC E-core Electronics CO. info@ecoreic.com
MAX4427CSA+ Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - MOSFET, Bridge Drivers - External Switch Active IC MOSFET DRV DUAL NONINV 8-SOIC
MAX4427CSA+ Intersil 5000 2016+ IC MOSFET DRV DUAL NONINV 8-SOIC Power Agency Co.,Ltd
MAX4427CSA+ MAXIM 39684 NEW RoHS IC MOSFET DRV DUAL NONINV 8-SOIC FindCores Electronics Inc.
MAX4427CSA+ MAXIM 39684 NEW RoHS IC MOSFET DRV DUAL NONINV 8-SOIC FindCores Electronics Inc.
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FAN7382MX RoHS 58201 12+ Original new IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
FAN7382MX RoHS 58201 12+ Original new IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
FAN7382MX RoHS 58201 12+ Original new IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
FAN7382MX RoHS 58201 12+ Original new IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
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MIC6315-44D3U TR Micrel 66433 2014+ IC RESET GEN 4.38V VTH SOT143-4 ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
MIC6315-44D3U TR Micrel 17939 12+ SOT-143 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
MIC6315-44D3U TR Micrel 17939 12+ SOT-143 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
MIC6315-46D2U TR Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Discontinued IC RESET GEN 4.63V VTH SOT143-4
MIC6315-46D2U TR Micrel 39844 17+/18+ IC RESET GEN 4.63V VTH SOT143-4 FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
MIC6315-46D2U TR Micrel 66633 2014+ IC RESET GEN 4.63V VTH SOT143-4 ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
MIC6315-46D2U TR Micrel 17941 12+ SOT-143 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
MIC6315-46D2U TR Micrel 17941 12+ SOT-143 SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor