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LC4256ZE-7TN144I distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 144-LQFP 1800 Lattice 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
LC4256ZE-7TN144I ROHSPb 158190 Originalnew 12+ IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
LC4256ZE-7TN144I CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Devices 96 I/O ULT LW PWR 256MC 1.8V 30,000 Lattice 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 88850 LATTICE 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 785462 13+ stock pulkey electronics ( HK ) co.,ltd
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 57769 LATTICE 15+ HOT SALE !!! Unitronix Electronics Limited
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 66914 LATTICE 2014+ can respond quickly Meyic Electronics Limited
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 66914 LATTICE 2014+ can respond quickly Meyic Electronics Limited
LC4256ZE-7TN144I CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Devices 96 I/O ULT LW PWR 256MC 1.8V 30,000 Lattice 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 88850 LATTICE 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 785462 13+ stock pulkey electronics ( HK ) co.,ltd
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 57769 LATTICE 15+ HOT SALE !!! Unitronix Electronics Limited
LC4256ZE-7TN144I IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQFP 66914 LATTICE 2014+ can respond quickly Meyic Electronics Limited
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 144-LQFP 1800 Lattice 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
LC4256ZE-7TN144I ROHSPb 158190 Originalnew 12+ IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 9387 Lattice 08+ STASTAR CO., LIMITED
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 2200 LATTICE NA Xian Neng Technology (...
LC4256ZE-7TN144I electronics components 10000 S/N 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
LC4256ZE-7TN144I 16+ 8000 Lattice Semiconductor Corporat 16+ IC PLD 256MC 96I/O 7.5NS 144TQ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com

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