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ISL61853OIRZ distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
ISL61853OIRZ Hot Swap & Power Distribution DL USB HOTSWAP W/INT LW18A/LTCH 3X3 10LD 30,000 Intersil 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
ISL61853OIRZ Hot Swap & Power Distribution DL USB HOTSWAP W/INT LW18A/LTCH 3X3 10LD 30,000 Intersil 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
ISL61853OIRZ IC USB PWR CTRLR DUAL 10DFN 87950 Intersil 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
ISL61853OIRZ 1083 Intersil 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
ISL61853OIRZ Hot Swap & Power Distribution DL USB HOTSWAP W/INT LW18A/LTCH 3X3 10LD 30,000 Intersil 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Co.,Ltd
ISL61853OIRZ Hot Swap & Power Distribution DL USB HOTSWAP W/INT LW18A/LTCH 3X3 10LD 30,000 Intersil 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
ISL61853OIRZ IC USB PWR CTRLR DUAL 10DFN 87950 Intersil 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
ISL61853OIRZ IC USB PWR CTRLR DUAL 10DFN 87950 Intersil 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
ISL61853OIRZ IC USB PWR CTRLR DUAL 10DFN 39554 Intersil NEW RoHS Deliver Now FindCores Electronics Inc.
ISL61853OIRZ IC USB PWR CTRLR DUAL 10DFN 68564 Intersil 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC Int£§l Electronics Limited
ISL61853OIRZ 1083 Intersil 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor

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