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IS82C55AZ96 distributors
RFQ | Part Number | Description | Q'ty | Mfg | Date Code | Location | Supplier |
IS82C55AZ96 | 2011+ | 8800 | Intersil | 2011+ | IN STOCK | Wintech Components Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | RoHS Compliant | 75325 | Semiconductor | 14+ | Can Respond ASAP | £Á£Î£Ò£É£Ã Int£§l Electronics Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 2011+ | 8800 | Intersil | 2011+ | IN STOCK | Wintech Components Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | RoHS Compliant | 75325 | Semiconductor | 14+ | Can Respond ASAP | £Á£Î£Ò£É£Ã Int£§l Electronics Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 11+ | 8353 | Intersil | 11+ | STOCK | Eurotronik Components GmbH | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 11+ | 8353 | Intersil | 11+ | STOCK | Eurotronik Components GmbH | |
IS82C55AZ96 | NEW RoHS and More QTY | 39032 | ISSI | 16+ | STK,Prompt delivery | Semilex Electronics Limited. ( | |
IS82C55AZ96 | Peripheral Drivers & Components - PCIs PERI PRG-I/O 5V 8MHZ 44PLCC IND | 30,000 | Intersil | 2102+ | New parts and in our stock | TPC Global Service Co.Ltd. | |
IS82C55AZ96 | RoHS Compliant | 21783 | Semiconductor | 16/17+ | new and original in hand | ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 9387 | Intersil | 12+ | International IC Agent... | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 500 | INS | D/C0618 | Co-Etech Limited | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 20,000 | Intersil | 14+ | WYNN ELECTRONICS CO.,L... | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | INTERSIL | 0618 | HongKong Jestar Tech... | ||||
IS82C55AZ96 | 9387 | Intersil | 12+ | STASTAR CO., LIMITED | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 500 | INS | D/C0618 | kaiheng Electronics Co... | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 20,000 | Intersil | 14+ | Yasun Group Electronic... | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | INTERSIL | 0618 | AI QI Electronic Co.,L... | ||||
IS82C55AZ96 | 10 | Intersil | 05+ | EM ELECTRONIC INTL. LTD. | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 44-PLCC | 8438 | Intersil | 12+ | call,60mins feedback | SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor | |
IS82C55AZ96 | N/A | 10008 | INTERSIL | 14-15+ | INSTOCK | Nego IC Co. | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 14+ | 50000 | AVA | 14+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
IS82C55AZ96 | electronics components | 10000 | S/N | 2013+ | GOOD?PRICE?NEW?AND?IN?STOCK | World Link Parts components ONLY | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 2011+ | 8800 | Intersil | 2011+ | IN STOCK | Wintech Components Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | RoHS Compliant | 75325 | Semiconductor | 14+ | Can Respond ASAP | £Á£Î£Ò£É£Ã Int£§l Electronics Limited | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 11+ | 8353 | Intersil | 11+ | STOCK | Eurotronik Components GmbH | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 10 | Intersil | 05+ | ASIA WORLD TRADE TECH ... | |||
IS82C55AZ96 | 44-PLCC | 8438 | Intersil | 12+ | call,60mins feedback | SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor | |
IS82C55AZ96 | N/A | 10008 | INTERSIL | 14-15+ | INSTOCK | Nego IC Co. | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 14+ | 50000 | AVA | 14+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
IS82C55AZ96 | N/A | 10008 | INTERSIL | 14-15+ | INSTOCK | Nego IC Co. | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 44-PLCC | 8438 | Intersil | 12+ | call,60mins feedback | SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor | |
IS82C55AZ96 | electronics components | 10000 | S/N | 2013+ | GOOD?PRICE?NEW?AND?IN?STOCK | World Link Parts components ONLY | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 14+ | 50000 | AVA | 14+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
IS82C55AZ96 | electronics components | 10000 | S/N | 2013+ | GOOD?PRICE?NEW?AND?IN?STOCK | World Link Parts components | |
IS82C55AZ96 | Original&New&Rhos | 97500 | ISSI | 2016 | In.USA.Stock | Hong Da Electronics | |
IS82C55AZ96 | RohsAndNew | 76580 | ISSI | 2016 | Email.To.Us | European Union IC Industry | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 2016+ | 5000 | NXP Semiconductors | 2016+ | New parts and Stock On Hand | Lei Li Electronics Co., | |
IS82C55AZ96 | N/A | 10008 | INTERSIL | 14-15+ | INSTOCK | Nego IC | |
IS82C55AZ96 | ROHS | 621853 | originalne | 12+ | IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING | ||
IS82C55AZ96 | RohsAndNew | 76580 | ISSI | 2016 | Email.To.Us | European Union IC Industry | |
IS82C55AZ96 | Original&New&Rhos | 97500 | ISSI | 2016 | In.USA.Stock | Hong Da Electronics | |
IS82C55AZ96 | 2016+ | 5000 | NXP Semiconductors | 2016+ | New parts and Stock On Hand | Lei Li Electronics Co., |