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GCM155R72A681KA37D distributors
RFQ | Part Number | Description | Q'ty | Mfg | Date Code | Location | Supplier |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | CAPCER680PF100VX7R0402 | 8 | Murata | 18+ | newstock | World Link Parts components | |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | Original&New&Rhos | 96350 | 2016 | In.USA.Stock | Hong Da Electronics | ||
GCM155R72A681KA37D | Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 680pF 100Volts X7R 10 Lea | 80,000 | Murata | 2013+ | New parts and in our stock | Lei Li Electronics Co., | |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 680pF 100Volts X7R 10 Lea | 80,000 | Murata | 2016+ | New parts and in our stock | ENKAITE Technology Limited | |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | 654789 | 13+ | stock | Feng Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd. | |||
GCM155R72A681KA37D | RoHS Compliant | 40116 | original | 17+/18+ | New Stock,Always Ready | FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd. | |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | for more pls inquire us now | 214390 | Distributor | newest | original instock,best quality | Microtranik Components Limited | |
GCM155R72A681KA37D | NEW RoHS and More QTY | 36660 | IC | 16+ | STK,Prompt delivery | Semilex Electronics Limited. ( |