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CY74FCT652ATSOCT distributors
RFQ | Part Number | Description | Q'ty | Mfg | Date Code | Location | Supplier |
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | 8-Bit Registered Transceiver | 2000 | TI | 2013+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | 8-Bit Registered Transceiver | 2000 | TI | 2013+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | 8-Bit Registered Transceiver | 2000 | TI | 2013+ | Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd | ||
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | RohsAndNew | 98500 | CYPRESS | 2016 | Email.To.Us | European Union IC Industry | |
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | IC REGISTERED TXRX 8BIT 24SOIC | 5000 | Texas Instruments | 2016+ | New parts and Stock On Hand | Lei Li Electronics Co., | |
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | RoHS | 181040 | Originalne | 12+ | IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING | ||
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | RohsAndNew | 98500 | CYPRESS | 2016 | Email.To.Us | European Union IC Industry | |
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | standard package with RoHS | 43370 | CYPRESS | 2016+ | 1-2 days | MAINtron Electronics Limited. | |
CY74FCT652ATSOCT | new and original package well | 87450 | CYPRESS | 15-16+ | INSTOCK & GLOBAL | Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. |