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C8051F855-C-IUR distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
C8051F855-C-IUR NEW RoHS and More QTY 40100 Silicon 17+ STK,Prompt delivery SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
C8051F855-C-IUR Original package well 87690 Silicon 2016+ Globally & Immediately Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
C8051F855-C-IUR 24-SSOP 7921 SILICON Stock E-core Electronics CO. info@ecoreic.com

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C8051F864-C-GS Silicon 39190 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
C8051F864-C-GS Silicon 87910 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
C8051F864-C-GS Silicon 87910 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
C8051F864-C-ISR Integrated Circuits (ICs) Embedded - Microcontrollers Active IC MCU 8051 4KB SOIC16
C8051F864-C-ISR SILICON 5446 16-SOIC E-core Electronics CO. info@ecoreic.com
C8051F864-C-ISR Silicon 39930 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
C8051F864-C-ISR Silicon 87510 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com