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ATA6821-TUQ distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
ATA6821-TUQ ATA6821-TUQ 30,000 Atmel 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
ATA6821-TUQ IC DRIVER PWR 1CH HI SPD 14-SOIC 87450 NXP 1525+ Global & Immediately Ronxim Electronics Co.,Ltd.
ATA6821-TUQ IC DRIVER PWR 1CH HI SPD 14-SOIC 66392 NXP 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
ATA6821-TUQ 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) 5000 Atmel 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
ATA6821-TUQ High Speed Power Driver IC 10000 ATMEL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
ATA6821-TUQ High Speed Power Driver IC 2000 ATMEL 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
ATA6821-TUQ 6470 ATMEL 2010+ Shunxin Electronics Te...
ATA6821-TUQ ATA6821-TUQ 30,000 Atmel 2102+ New parts and in our stock Lei Li Electronics Trade Inc.
ATA6821-TUQ IC DRIVER PWR 1CH HI SPD 14-SOIC 87450 NXP 1525+ Global & Immediately Ronxim Electronics Co.,Ltd.
ATA6821-TUQ IC DRIVER PWR 1CH HI SPD 14-SOIC 66392 NXP 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
ATA6821-TUQ IC DRIVER PWR 1CH HI SPD 14-SOIC 66392 NXP 2014+ can respond quickly ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
ATA6821-TUQ 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) 5000 Atmel 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
ATA6821-TUQ High Speed Power Driver IC 10000 ATMEL 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
ATA6821-TUQ High Speed Power Driver IC 2000 ATMEL 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
ATA6821-TUQ ICDRIVERPWR1CHHISPD14-SOIC 45120 MicrochipT 2020 In.USA.Stock Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
ATA6821-TUQ 14-SO 357 MICROCHIP 20+PB Pb-Free IC Agent Electronics InsKevin@ic-agent.com

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UCC3808ADTR-1 S/N 1000 2013+ 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
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MAX6369KA-T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Discontinued IC WATCHDOG TIMER SOT23-8
MAX6369KA-T MAXIM 10005 14-15+ SOT23-8 Nego IC Co.
MAX6369KA-T N/A 10-20000 2011+ 2011+ Fantastic Technologies limited.
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XC6120N172NR-G Torex 6222 12+ 24-SSOT SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
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MAX6361HUT31+T Maxim Integrated Products 30,000 2102+ 2102+ Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
MAX6361HUT31+T ROHSPb 48405 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
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ADM709MAR N/A 82350 2016 RohsAndNew European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
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DS1819AR-10/T&R DS 43560 2012 SOT23-5 Hong Da Electronics Co.LTD
DS1819AR-10/T&R MAXIM 18000 2016+ 5 IC Agent Electronics InsKevin@ic-agent.com
DS1819AR-10/T&R MAXIM 16000 2016 5?? FEDERAL INDUSTRY InsTess@sunnlyic.com
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LTC4257IS8#TRPBF Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Controllers Active IC POE 802.3AF CONTROLLER 8-SOIC
LTC4257IS8#TRPBF Linear 15050 12+ SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
LTC4257IS8#TRPBF Linear 15050 12+ SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
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LTC4257IS8#TRPBF LT 18138 N/A SOP8L European Union IC Industry Cor.
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