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AP1117YG-13 distributors

RFQ Part Number Description Q'ty Mfg Date Code Location Supplier
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 88670 Diodes Inc 1525+ Global & Immediately RONXIM ELECTRONICS LIMITED
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 88670 Diodes Inc 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 57309 Diodes Inc 15+ HOT SALE !!! Unitronix Electronics Limited
AP1117YG-13 SOT-89-3 7500 Diodes 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
AP1117YG-13 1A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE OR FIXED-MODE REGULATOR 2000 DIODES 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
AP1117YG-13 ROHS 25600 originalne 12+ IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 88670 Diodes Inc 1525+ Global & Immediately Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 41885 Diodes Inc 1531+ new in stock Alphatek Technology Limited
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 39654 Diodes Inc NEW RoHS Deliver Now FindCores Electronics Inc.
AP1117YG-13 1ALOWDROPOUTPOSITIVEADJUSTABLEOR 10000 DIODES 16+ STOCK Fantastic Technologies limited.info@fantastic-ele.com
AP1117YG-13 ROHS 25600 originalne 12+ IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
AP1117YG-13 1A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE OR FIXED-MODE REGULATOR 10000 DIODES 2013+ World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
AP1117YG-13 SOT-89-3 7500 Diodes 12+ call,60mins feedback SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
AP1117YG-13 1A LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE OR FIXED-MODE REGULATOR 2000 DIODES 2013+ Protec Engineering (S) Pte Ltd protec@vip.163.com
AP1117YG-13 ROHS 25600 originalne 12+ IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 88670 Diodes Inc 1525+ Global & Immediately RONXIM ELECTRONICS LIMITED
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 88670 Diodes Inc 1525+ Special offers,Reliable qualit Ronxim Components Ltd.
AP1117YG-13 IC REG LDO ADJ 1A SOT89-3 57309 Diodes Inc 15+ HOT SALE !!! Unitronix Electronics Limited

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TL2575HV-12INE4 Texas Instruments 5000 2016+ IC STEP-DN SW REG 12V 1A 16-DIP Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
TL2575HV-12INE4 TI 87830 1525+ IC REG BUCK 12V 1A 16-DIP Ronxim Components Ltd.
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MCP1603-330I/MC Microch 27281 2014+ Pb-Free Unitronix Electronics Inc.
MCP1603-330I/MC Microch 27281 2014+ Pb-Free Unitronix Electronics Inc.
MCP1603-330I/MC Microch 39726 14+ RoHS Compliant FindCores Electronics Inc.
MCP1603-330I/MC Microchip 87410 1525+ IC REG BUCK SYNC 3.3V 0.5A 8DFN Ronxim Components Ltd.
LM2830ZQMFE/NOPB Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching Regulators Active IC REG BUCK ADJ 1A SOT23-5
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LM2830ZQMFE/NOPB Texas Instruments 30,000 2102+ Switching Converters Regulators & Controllers Lei Li Electronics Company Limited
LM2830ZQMFE/NOPB Texas Instruments 30,000 2102+ Switching Converters Regulators & Controllers Lei Li Electronics Company Limited
LT1533IS#PBF Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching Regulators Active IC REG PUSH-PLL CTRLR ISO 16SOIC
LT1533IS#PBF 77200 2016 Original&New&Rhos Hong Da Electronics Co.LTDbrenda@hongda-ic.com
LT1533IS#PBF LINEAR 10004 14-15+ SOIC Nego IC Co.Doris@negoic.com
LT1533IS#PBF LINEAR 45190 2016+ standard package with RoHS MAINtron Electronics Co.,Ltd.
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ISL6522BIBZ-TS2698 Intersil 4451 12+ 14-SOIC (0.154 3.90mm Width) Surplus Electronics Co.,Ltd
ISL6522BIBZ-TS2698 Intersil 30,000 2102+ IC PWM BUCK BST VM 14SOIC Lei Li Electronics Company Limited
ISL6522BIBZ-TS2698 Intersil 88910 1525+ IC REG CTRLR BUCK BST PWM 14SOIC Ronxim Components Ltd.
ISL6522BIBZ-TS2698 Intersil 88910 1525+ IC REG CTRLR BUCK BST PWM 14SOIC Ronxim Components Ltd.
LM4040D41IDCKRG4 Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Reference Active IC VREF SHUNT PREC 4.096V SC70-5
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MAX6867UK26D6S+T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Supervisors Active IC MPU SUPERVISOR SOT23-5
LTC2950IDDB-2#TRPBF Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Power Supply Controllers, Monitors Active IC PUSH BUTTON ON/OFF CTRLR 8DFN
LTC2950IDDB-2#TRPBF 765489 13+ fenkey electronics co.,ltd
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LTC2950IDDB-2#TRPBF LINEAR 68093 2014+ IC PUSH BUTTON ON/OFF CTRLR 8DFN ANRIC Int£§l Electronics Limited
ISL6548ACRZA-T Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Power Management - Specialized Active IC REG/CTLR ACPI DUAL DDR 28QFN
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ISL6548ACRZA-T Originalnew 492100 12+ ROHSPb IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
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LTC4009IUF-2#TRPBF Linear Technology 5000 2016+ IC CTLR BATT CHARGER CC/CV 20QFN Lei Li Electronics Co.,LtdBenny@leili-ic.com
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MAX6966ATE+ MAXIM 65500 2016 THINQ European Union IC Industry Co.linda@ic-industry38.com
MAX6966ATE+ Semiconductor 21493 16/17+ RoHS Compliant ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
AP1117Y25G-13 Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - Linear (LDO) Active IC REG LDO 2.5V 1A SOT89-3
AP1117Y25G-13 DIO 22345 14+ 14+ MEGA IC ELECTRONICS.CO.LTD
AP1117Y25G-13 Diodes Inc 57009 15+ IC REG LDO 2.5V 1A SOT89-3 Unitronix Electronics Limited
AP1117Y25G-13 Diodes Inc 67835 2014+ IC REG LDO 2.5V 1A SOT89-3 ANRIC ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
AP1117Y25G-13 Diodes Inc 88070 1525+ IC REG LDO 2.5V 1A SOT89-3 Ronxim Components Ltd.
AN78L04ME1 Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Voltage Regulators - Linear (LDO) Limited quantity available, not recommended for new design. IC REG LDO 4V 0.1A 3HSIP
AN78L04ME1 Panasonic 6000 12+ 3-HSIP SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
AN78L04ME1 Panasonic 6000 12+ 3-HSIP SINLIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Authorized Distributor
AN78L04ME1 S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY
AN78L04ME1 S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLY