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AN87C196CAF8 distributors
RFQ | Part Number | Description | Q'ty | Mfg | Date Code | Location | Supplier |
AN87C196CAF8 | 2789 | Intel | NEW | Cubic Technology Co.,Ltd. | |||
AN87C196CAF8 | 68-PLCC | 18690 | Intel | 11+ | STOCK | Eurotronik Components GmbH | |
AN87C196CAF8 | IC MCU 16-BIT 5V 32K OTP 68-PLCC | 66893 | Intel | 2014+ | can respond quickly | Meyic Electronics Limited | |
AN87C196CAF8 | IC MCU 16-BIT 5V 32K OTP 68-PLCC | 66893 | Intel | 2014+ | can respond quickly | Meyic Electronics Limited | |
AN87C196CAF8 | ROHS | 25600 | originalne | 12+ | IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. | ||
AN87C196CAF8 | RohsAndNew | 82350 | N/A | 2016 | Email.To.Us | European Union IC Industry | |
AN87C196CAF8 | ROHS | 25600 | originalne | 12+ | IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING | ||
AN87C196CAF8 | IC MCU 16-BIT 5V 32K OTP 68-PLCC | 5000 | Freescale Semiconductor | 2016+ | New parts and Stock On Hand | Lei Li Electronics Co., | |
AN87C196CAF8 | 5860 | Intel | 09+ | STASTAR CO., LIMITED | |||
AN87C196CAF8 | 8718 | INTEL | HK JIAWEIYI TECHNOLOGY... | ||||
AN87C196CAF8 | 5819 | Intel | 2002 | WIN-TRUE ELECTRONICS (... | |||
AN87C196CAF8 | ROHS | 25600 | originalne | 12+ | IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. | ||
AN87C196CAF8 | 2789 | Intel | NEW | Cubic Technology Co.,Ltd. | |||
AN87C196CAF8 | 68-PLCC | 18690 | Intel | 11+ | STOCK | Eurotronik Components GmbH | |
AN87C196CAF8 | IC MCU 16-BIT 5V 32K OTP 68-PLCC | 66893 | Intel | 2014+ | can respond quickly | Meyic Electronics Limited |