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Part Number Category Family Status Description
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T95R686K016HZSL Distributor 235410 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
T95R686K016HZSL NEW 87490 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
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M39003/01-2737/TR NEW 78730 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
M39003/01-2737/TR Vishay 68000 N/A N/A HongKong Wanghua Technology Limited
M39003/01-2737/TR Vishay 68000 N/A N/A HongKong Wanghua Technology Limited
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T95X106K016CZSL Distributor 234270 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
T95X106K016CZSL NEW 87310 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
T95X106K016CZSL Vishay Sprague 33000 N/A CAP TANT 10UF 16V 10 2910 Hongkong Inductors Limited
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UPG11-7136-6 SensataTec 88000 2017+ CIRCUITBREAKERMAG-HYDRLEVER K.D.H. Group (Asia) Limited
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DIN-064CSD-W-SH Connectors, Interconnects Backplane Connectors - DIN 41612 CONN DIN SOCKET 64POS VERT GOLD
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