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Connectors, Interconnects > Barrel - Power Connectors

Part NumberCategoryFamilyStatusDescription
765Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PLUG MINI PWR 2COND BLK/RED
76508 39544 14+ RoHS Compliant FindCores Electronics Inc.
76508?? Semiconductor 68750 14+ RoHS Compliant ANRIC Int£§l Electronics Limited
7651-710 World Magnetics 800,000 15+ SENSOR ADJ PRESS SW .004-.018PSI Global Thunder Electronics Co.,Ltd
7651-713 World Magnetics 800,000 15+ SENSOR ADJ PRESS SW.541-3.606PSI PXT Direct Electronics Co.,Ltd
RAPC10Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM T/H
RASSM10PConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD
S765KConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PLUG MINI PWR 2COND LOCKING
RASH10PSConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD HYBRID
50-00533Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN JACK 2.1MM X 5.5MM
50-00534Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN JACK 2.5MM X 5.5MM
PJ-076Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK R/A PCB
PJ-076AConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK R/A PCB
PJ-076BConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK R/A PCB
PJ-010BConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsPWR JCK 2.5X6.4MM PNL MNT W/TABS
PJ-017DConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCON PWR JCK 1.3 X 3.8MM KNKD PIN
PJ-029CConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCON PWR JCK 1.0MM OPN FRME
PJ-029DConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCON PWR JCK 1.3MM OPN FRME
694105309102Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK DC RA TH
RASSM10Connectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD
RASH10PConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD HYBRID
RASPC10SConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM T/H IP68
RASSM10PSConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD IP68
RASM10PSConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD IP68
RASH10SConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN PWR JACK 2X6.4MM SMD HYBRID
PJ-030DHConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCON PWR JCK 1.3MM HIGH CUR
PJ-030DH-SMT-TR CUI Inc. 147850 2016+ CON PWR JCK 1.3X3.4MM HI CUR SMT Unitronix Electronics Limited
PJ-030DH-SMT-TR IC 58460 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
PJ-030DH-SMT-TR NEW 89190 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
RASH732XConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN JACK HYBRID R/A .050" PIN
PPM-2-35135-SConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.35MM
PPM-2-35135-SGConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.35MM
PPM-2-3511-BConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.1MM
PPM-2-3511-B CUI Inc. 146960 2016+ CONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.1MM Unitronix Electronics Limited
PPM-2-3511-BGConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.1MM
PPM-2-35135-BGConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.35MM
PPM-3-3511-SGConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsCONN DC PWR PLUG 3.5X1.35MM
EJ503AConnectors, InterconnectsBarrel - Power ConnectorsDC JACK PCB MOUNT