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Keyword: MAX5550EVKIT+ MAX1138EEE+ SN74CBT16210CDGGR ID82C52 BD546B-S
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Circuit Protection > Lighting Protection

Part NumberCategoryFamilyStatusDescription
BSP3-347-LCCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 347V DRIVER
LSP10240LLPCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 10KA 240V PARL
LSP10240LLSCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 10KA 240V SERS
BSP3-277-20KA-TNCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PRTCTR 277V/20K W/NPPL
BSP3-277-20KA-TN IC 38450 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
BSP3-277-20KA-TN Thomas Research Products 139920 17+/18+ SURGE PRTCTR 277V/20K W/NPPL FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
BSP3-277-20KA-TN Thomas Research Products 139920 17+/18+ SURGE PRTCTR 277V/20K W/NPPL FindCores Electronics Co.,Ltd.
LSP1300BJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 13V SMD
LSP05347PMCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 5KA MNTR 347V
PLED13Q12Circuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR 13V BI-DIR QFN 3X3
PLED13Q12 LITTELFUSE 16368 14-15+ -- Nego IC Co.Doris@negoic.com
PLED13Q12 LITTELFUSE 16368 14-15+ -- Nego IC Co.Doris@negoic.com
PLED13Q12 ROHSPb 256000 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
PLED13Q12 ROHSPb 256000 12+ Originalnew IC INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.jennifer@ic-international.hk
PLED6USCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR UNI 6V DO214 2L
PLED18USCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR UNI 18V DO214 2L
PLED13USCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR UNI 13V DO214 2L
PLED13US Littelfuse Inc 139480 NEW RoHS LED PROTECTOR UNI 13V DO214 2L FindCores Electronics Inc.
PLED13US Littelfuse Inc 139480 NEW RoHS LED PROTECTOR UNI 13V DO214 2L FindCores Electronics Inc.
PLED13US Littelfuse Inc 139480 NEW RoHS LED PROTECTOR UNI 13V DO214 2L FindCores Electronics Inc.
PLED13US Littelfuse Inc 139480 NEW RoHS LED PROTECTOR UNI 13V DO214 2L FindCores Electronics Inc.
LSP0600AJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 6V SMD
LSP0900AJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 9V SMD
PLED13SWCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR BI 13V DO214 2L
PLED13SW Distributor 214530 17+RoHS for more pls inquire us now Microtranik Components,Inc. info@microtranik.com
PLED13SW IC 58380 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
PLED13SW Littelfuse 8 18+ LEDPROTECTORBI13VDO2142L World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
PLED13SW Littelfuse Inc 57179 2015+ LED PROTECTOR BI 13V DO214 2L Unitronix Electronics Limited
PLED18SWCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR BI 18V DO214 2L
PLED6SWCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR BI 6V DO214 2L
LSP0900BJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 9V SMD
LSP1800BJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 18V SMD
BSP3-120-LCCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 120V DRIVER
LBP01-0803SC5Circuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionIC BYPASS SWITCH LED UNI SOT23-5
LSP1800AJR-SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED SHUNT PROTECTOR 18V SMD
PLED9SWCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR BI 9V DO214 2L
HBL5006HT1GCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionIC LED ELECTRONIC SHUNT SOD323
PLED5HTCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR 5V BI-DIR SOT-89
LSP05277PCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 5KA 277VAC
BSP3-120Circuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 120V DRIVER
LSP10120PCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 10KA 120V PARL
LSP10480SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionSURGE PROTECTOR 10KA 480V SERS
PLED6MCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR 6V BI-DIR PM-1
PLED9SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR 9V BI-DIR DO-214
PLED18SCircuit ProtectionLighting ProtectionLED PROTECTOR 18V BI-DIR DO-214
PLED18S S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
PLED18S S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
PLED18S S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com
PLED18S S/N 10000 2013+ electronics components World Link Parts components Dev.ltd-ORIGINAL ONLYsales@wlparts.com