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Omron Automation and Safety Semiconductors Stock List

Part Number Category Family Status Description
FLV-DL12060R Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting LOW AGL RING 120MM 60DEG RED
FLV-FQ48W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting SHADOWLESS SQUARE 48MM WHITE
FLV-FQ48W IC 40500 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
FLV-FQ48W NEW 77890 2016+ Original package well Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CB10080 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting BLUE BACKLITE 100SQ. MM
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CW10080 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting BLUE BACKLITE 100SQ. MM
CCS-LFL50-BL Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting CCS 100MM BCK LITE EDG LIT BLU
CCS-QBL-060060-SW Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting CCS BAK LITE 90X62 WHITE
ZFV-LTL02 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT
ZFV-LTL02 IC 40240 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
ZFV-LTL02 Omron Automation and Safety 157539 2015+ ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT Unitronix Electronik GmbH sourcing@unitronix-e.com
ZFV-LTL02 Omron Automation and Safety 88730 2015+ ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd. info@renxim.com
CCS-LFL-100 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting BACKLIGHT- EDGE LIT (RED)
FLV-DR7000B Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting DIRECT RING 70MM 0DEG BLUE
FLV-DR7000W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting DIRECT RING 70MM 0DEG WHITE
3Z4S-LT MLRL-CR48 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting LOW ANGLE RING LIGHT RED
CCS-LDL-TP-51X51-SW Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT
FL-BR13120W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting 122MM WHITE WIDE AREA BAR LIGH
CCS-LDL-82X15SW Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting WHITE LED ARRAY
CCS-LDL2-80X16-BL Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting G2 SOFT BLUE BAR LIGHT 80X16MM
CCSA-QLA-074050-66 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting LOW ANGLE RING-74MM RED
CCS-LDL-74X27-N Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting 86X29MM RED LED BARLIGHT
FLV-BR15020B Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting BAR LIGHTS 150X20MM BLUE
FLV-BR15020W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting BAR LIGHTS 150X20MM WHITE
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CR10080 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting EDGE TYPE BACKLIGHT RED
FLV-DR6615B Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting DIRECT RING 66MM 15DEG BLUE
FLV-DR6615W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting DIRECT RING 66MM 15DEG WHITE
3Z4S-LT MDRL-CW28 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting DIRECT RING LED WHITE ID 28MM
FL-BR9120W-H Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting 81MM WHITE HIGH BRIGHT BAR LIG
FL-DR50W Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting 50MM OD WHITE WIDE AREA RING
CCS-HPR-100SW Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting WHITE HIGH POWER RINGLIGHT - 1
CCS-LDL-TP-83X75 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT
3Z4SLT MEBLCR7050 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting INDIRECT BCKLIGHT RED 70X50MM
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CR7050 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting INDIRECT BCKLIGHT RED 70X50MM
CCS-LDR2-70RD2 Industrial Controls, Meters Machine Vision - Lighting RING LIGHT RED OD 70MM