Part Number | Category | Family | Status | Description |
FLV-DL12060R | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | LOW AGL RING 120MM 60DEG RED | |
FLV-FQ48W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | SHADOWLESS SQUARE 48MM WHITE | |
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CB10080 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | BLUE BACKLITE 100SQ. MM | |
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CW10080 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | BLUE BACKLITE 100SQ. MM | |
CCS-LFL50-BL | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | CCS 100MM BCK LITE EDG LIT BLU | |
CCS-QBL-060060-SW | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | CCS BAK LITE 90X62 WHITE | |
ZFV-LTL02 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT | |
ZFV-LTL02 Omron Automation and Safety 157539 2015+ ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT Unitronix Electronik GmbH
ZFV-LTL02 Omron Automation and Safety 88730 2015+ ZFV DBL. BAR LIGHT Renxim Technology Solutions Ltd.
| ||||
CCS-LFL-100 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | BACKLIGHT- EDGE LIT (RED) | |
FLV-DR7000B | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | DIRECT RING 70MM 0DEG BLUE | |
FLV-DR7000W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | DIRECT RING 70MM 0DEG WHITE | |
3Z4S-LT MLRL-CR48 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | LOW ANGLE RING LIGHT RED | |
CCS-LDL-TP-51X51-SW | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT | |
FL-BR13120W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | 122MM WHITE WIDE AREA BAR LIGH | |
CCS-LDL-82X15SW | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | WHITE LED ARRAY | |
CCS-LDL2-80X16-BL | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | G2 SOFT BLUE BAR LIGHT 80X16MM | |
CCSA-QLA-074050-66 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | LOW ANGLE RING-74MM RED | |
CCS-LDL-74X27-N | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | 86X29MM RED LED BARLIGHT | |
FLV-BR15020B | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | BAR LIGHTS 150X20MM BLUE | |
FLV-BR15020W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | BAR LIGHTS 150X20MM WHITE | |
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CR10080 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | EDGE TYPE BACKLIGHT RED | |
FLV-DR6615B | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | DIRECT RING 66MM 15DEG BLUE | |
FLV-DR6615W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | DIRECT RING 66MM 15DEG WHITE | |
3Z4S-LT MDRL-CW28 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | DIRECT RING LED WHITE ID 28MM | |
FL-BR9120W-H | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | 81MM WHITE HIGH BRIGHT BAR LIG | |
FL-DR50W | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | 50MM OD WHITE WIDE AREA RING | |
CCS-HPR-100SW | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | WHITE HIGH POWER RINGLIGHT - 1 | |
CCS-LDL-TP-83X75 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT | |
3Z4SLT MEBLCR7050 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | INDIRECT BCKLIGHT RED 70X50MM | |
3Z4S-LT MEBL-CR7050 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | INDIRECT BCKLIGHT RED 70X50MM | |
CCS-LDR2-70RD2 | Industrial Controls, Meters | Machine Vision - Lighting | RING LIGHT RED OD 70MM |