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E-Z-Hook Semiconductors Stock List

Part Number Category Family Status Description
9218YEL Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET STD TIP .080 PAN MNT YL
9218BLU Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET STD TIP .080 PAN MNT BL
9218GRY Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET STD TIP .080 PAN MNT GR
8012BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG STD BANANA .080 SOCKET BLK
8012RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG STD BANANA .080 SOCKET RED
9302BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG BANA STD R/A SHROUDED BLK
9302RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG BANA STD R/A SHROUDED RED
9304BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG BANANA STD RT ANG BLACK
9304RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG BANANA STD RT ANG RED
DB750BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG BANANA STACKING DOUBLE
9405BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs DOUBLE BANANA SOCKET PANEL MT
9283BRN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT BROWN
9283GRN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT GREEN
9283GRY Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT GRAY
9283ORN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT ORNG
9283RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT RED
9283VLT Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT VLT
9283WTE Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT WHITE
9283YEL Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs SOCKET MINI BANANA PNL MNT YEL
9203BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG STD STACKING BANANA BLACK
9203RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs PLUG STD STACKING BANANA RED
8703 Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs TERM RING ON STACKING BANANA PLU
87036-136HLF Amphenol FCI 277890 2016+ BERGSTIK II SR STRAIGHT RET Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
87036-204HLF Amphenol FCI 157150 2016+ BERGSTIK II SNGL ST Unitronix Electronics Limited
87036-204HLF Amphenol FCI 288530 2016+ BERGSTIK II SNGL ST Renxim Technology Limited. sales@renxim.com
87036-204HLF IC 58480 17+ NEW RoHS and More QTY SemiLex Electronics Inc (sales@semi-lex.com)
9284BLK Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT BLACK
9284BRN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT BROWN
9284RED Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT RED
9284ORN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT ORG
9284YEL Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT YELLOW
9284GRN Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT GREEN
9284BLU Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT BLUE
9284VLT Connectors, Interconnects Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, Plugs STD BANANA SOCKET PNL MNT VIOLET